
Insidious 2 : “Bride in Black –“ She is standing behind you !!!!

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh “Bride in Black –“ She is standing behind you !!!!

Insidious 2 : Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh “Bride in Black –“ She is standing behind you !!!!

Rating: 4/5 ( Watch Insidious 1 before this else you will be deep mystification)

In-short: Don’t sleep you may be into deep darkness 


 Enhanced with an outstanding screen play and horror has come out well once again for James Wan. Plot was excellent as good as inception, scenes were shot and story was linked to previous chapter well. It definitely makes you to think again and again to disprove logic but at last we will definitely fail with our attempt.

Insidious 2 : “Bride in Black –“ She is standing behind you !!!!

As usual re-recording was amazing and horrifying. 
Horror scenes were brilliant no exorcism related scenes hence you feel bored nowhere. Casting and make up was splendid. Most of the scenes will take your breath away for some time.
Terribly horrific, you will feel tremors inside you. Well received by audience and few scenes were funny were you will be laughing out of your mind.

Obviously Best watch would be in theater...


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