Unknown 11:38 0 comments News Kerry says US chasing 'historic opportunity' with India Home » News » Kerry says US chasing 'historic opportunity' with India Identifying this as "a potentially transformative moment in our partnership," US secretary of state John Kerry on Monday said the Obama administration is determined to deliver on the strategic and historic opportunities with India as he embarked on a visit to New Delhi for the annual strategic dialogue between the two countries. The three-day visit starting July 30 is also aimed at building bridges with the new government led by a man Washington abhorred for nearly a decade before his resounding electoral victory changed American policy and resulted in a rapid turnaround, including an invitation to visit the United States."The bigger picture has to guide us and the end game has to guide us," Kerry said.That "big picture" and "end game", in Washington's vision, is a US-India partnership that can create a "more prosperous and secure future for the world and for one another."Kerry appeared to acknowledged that saying that the US recognized that in a globalized world, India's going to have many different partners. "But we believe there are unique opportunities for just United States and India," he maintained, identifying common areas of dynamism and entrepreneurial spirit (Hollywood/Bollywood, Boston/Bangalore) that few other countries could generate. Share This To : Facebook Twitter Google+ StumbleUpon Digg Delicious LinkedIn Reddit Technorati
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